Saturday, 14 November 2015

THE SCIENCE BEHIND IT: article by lecia bushak.
In the 1960s, a psychologist named Hans Eysenck theorised that extroverts had a lower level of something called “arousal.” Eysenck believed that extroverts required more stimulation from the world in order to feel alert and awake, while introverts were easily over-stimulated. This helped to explain extroverts’ sense of risk-taking, challenges, and constant social company to keep them stimulated, while introverts often had to seek out alone time in order to lower their over-stimulation — thriving best at home, in library corners, or in peaceful parks.
This notion paved the way for scientists to delve a little deeper into our minds to help understand what defined these two different personalities. In 2005, researchers concluded in a study that it all might be linked to dopamine — the reward system in the brains of extroverts responded differently than those of introverts. In the study, researchers used a brain scanner to examine responses from participants who were doing a gambling task. They found that when gambling brought positive results, the extroverts exhibited a stronger response in two regions of the brain: the amygdala and the nucleus accumbens, showing that they processed surprise and reward differently than introverts. If extroverts responded more strongly to gambling paying off, they probably would respond more strongly to adventures, social challenges, or taking risks.
A 2012 study completed by Randy Buckner of Harvard University discovered that introverts tended to have larger, thicker gray matter in their prefrontal cortex — a region of the brain that is linked to abstract thought and decision-making — while extroverts had less gray matter. Buckner concluded that this might be accountable for introverts’ tendencies to sit in a corner and ponder things thoroughly before making a decision, and extroverts’ ability to live in the moment and take risks without fully thinking everything through (which has its cons and benefits, of course).

Saturday, 7 November 2015

  Like i said some people are born introverts and some become introverted after a period of time, i stand to be corrected but in my opinion forced introverts are not introverts, it is important to know if you are truly an introvert or if you just drifted into the character.  Most people become introverted because of life experiences, they keep pulling away from people, until they just zone out of their supposed extrovert characters, most people grow up in solitary, so because they have been isolated for a long period of time, they become comfortable with being isolated, and they end up exhibiting some introvert characters. I believe if you had zoned out of you personality for whatever reason you should know whats responsible for your lifestyle. The only way to get rid of it and access your real personality is by letting go of the hurt or experiences, letting them lose power over you, so you can be free and less depressed about life. 
  Anybody at all can have a complex one way or the other, as an introvert you may have a hate-love relationship with yourself. You wouldn’t exchange your personality for anything, you love the way you do stuff, at the same time you hate yourself for being introverted. You need to let go of whatever complex issue you have against yourself, You need to stop hating your introverted nature and stop feeling low of yourself, let got of that low self esteem. If we succeed in letting go of these emotional barriers then we can really discover ourselves, and learn to how to handle our personalities. 
  if you happen to be a forced introvert, you would definitely get to feel lonely most of the time, then you should know its not your nature. +star . FYI: forced extroverts exist too,  would talk about that later. 


Friday, 6 November 2015

 It's been proven beyond reasonable doubt that introverted personalities gain energy through solitary. These people are de-energized by social events.

In a world where 90% of humans are extroverted in nature, it can be a struggle being an introvert. (fact: even animals do have introverted and extroverted personalities.) Some people are born introverts and some become introverts over a period of time due to situations. 
 Who is a loner? From my perception, correct me if i am wrong, A loner doesn't  want to associate with the world or people even if they could and it would cost them nothing, they don’t want to, they want to be alone.( Note: introverts don’t hate people, they just need to be left alone most of the time naturally, else they lack energy and even self worth.)

 DON'T GET IT TWISTED: the word introvert does not= boring, shy, geek, snob(it looks like but its not), uncaring.

 MICROSCOPIC CHARACTERS OF INTROVERTS : (i call them microscopic because you have to know them to a certain level before you see these things or they have to be in a hyped mood before you see them manifest).
  1. They can be funny.
  2. Bring life to a place.
  3. Mostly crazy people.

Thursday, 5 November 2015


Hi, I am an introvert, i came to realize how complex i seemed to be, so i decided to do a research on introvert characters. Being an introvert can be a struggle, it can be devastating, you just keep wondering why you are not normal, like the rest of the world, but if you get to understand yourself better then things could get a lot easier. I am putting this information out for both introverts and extroverts to get enlightened as well as contribute. I know as an introvert when you try to explain yourself, you cant even explain correctly because sometimes you really don't know why you act in some ways.

These are some traits/characters that some introverts have in common please agree or disagree to the ones you posses or do not posses in the comment box.  This would help my research. YOU CAN ALSO ADD YOURS.
  1. I mostly want to be left alone, I prefer my time alone to any other moment.
  2. I don’t like (small talks) “get to know you chit-chat” with strangers.
  3. I don’t want to be at that social event really, except it would be very entertaining.
  4. I think best alone.
  5. I don’t like crowd.
  6. I am outgoing with people i feel i know well
  7. I love being fascinated, tell me something i never thought of before.
  8. I go from zero to I’m done real quick.
  9. I prefer to write to express than verbal delivery.
  10. I observe a lot, and i can spend a lot of time observing.
  11. I prefer my finished works being seen than a work in progress? i actually hate a when my unfinished works are seen, i mostly don’t get to finish them again.(me)
  12. *This is weird but when i am alone, and i hear my name called or a knock on my door, most of the time i get instantly agitated.(me)
  13. I don’t like phone calls, a ringing phone is like a bell being struck in my head. i would rather text later when I’m in the mood. (personally my phone is always on silence, and i am most likely to ignore a call from loved one. 
  14. I hide my abilities.
  15. I do not feel the need to admit to knowledge or contribute to discussions, when i do eventually i feel bad about it.
  16. I would rather be away from the angry person, i can’t hardly even look their way. (I’m not the type to ask an obviously angry or sad person “what is the problem”)
  17. *I can honestly get agitated by surprises but i like to surprise people.
  18. I always have an excuse to leave the social event early.
  19. I am creative.
  20. I have trust issues.
  21. I like people from a distance. 
  22. My lone time is the best moments of my life. 
  23. I'm stuck in my head for most of the day.  
please drop your comments below in agreement or denial of any of these characters. i would especially like to know if trait #14 is common??
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